Illustrator – Make 3D Letters Without The 3D Tool!

Stick around to learn how to make amazing 3D Text like this! Shows both layers of text with the top made red - final image

Create The Canvas And Text

First thing you will need to do is to open a new document.

Then you just have to set your text up!

To have it nice and big we put it to 130pt size.

Image of the character options in Illustrator

Write the word you would like, for this tutorial we are using the word “Vector”!

Initial Text

Next add an 8pt stroke to your letter, it does not matter what colour it is as the colours will be changed later on!

Shows the text stroke option

Now you need to expand and ungroup the text.

To do this, go to “Object”, “Expand” a dialog box will come up just click ok.

Then go back to “Objects” and go to “Ungroup”, this will turn the text into individual letters.

To turn the stroke in to a shape you need to repeat this process one more time.

Where to find the Object > Expand OptionWhere to find the Object > Ungroup option

Next select all the letters and go to the “Pathfinder” panel and chose the first tool “Unite”.

This will join everything together.

How to Unite the letters together with Pathfinder

Copy and paste this over the other one and change the colour so you can easily see the two copies.

Now we have the two texts like so!

Shows the two images layed one above the other

Our Illustrator courses also have step-by-step guides like this!

Using The Pen Tool To Join Up The Letters

To make the text look 3D you will need to do the following.

Use the pen tool and fill in the gaps in-between the two letters.

Let’s start with the letter V, what you need to do is to select the pen tool and join up the edges as shown below.

This will give you the edges of your letters!

Shows the image before the pen tool is applied


Shows the image after the pen tool is applied

After all the letters are complete you should have something like this!

Shows the full text all fixed with the pen tool


Adjust The Colours

Now we want to adjust the bottom layers colours, so thats its a dark version of the red.

You can do ths either with the pre created colors or the custom CMYK editor!

We like to use the CMYK editor and adjust the darkness manually that way.

Two texts with the back text colored darker

Then you want to go back to the top layer and make that the original brighter red colour.

Finally your image is done!

Shows both layers of text with the top made red - final image

For more on Illustrator, read our guide on how to turn a hand drawn image into a vector image!


About Ben Richardson

Ben is a director of Acuity Training which he has been running for over 10 years.

He is a Natural Sciences graduate from the University of Cambridge and a qualified accountant with the ICAEW.

He previously worked as a venture capitalist and banker and so had extensive experience with Excel from building financial models before moving to learn SQL, Microsoft Power BI and other technologies more recently.