Implementing Row-Level Security In Power BI

In this article, we will look at static row-level security in Power BI.

We look at what it is, how to implement it and areas to take care when using it.

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What is Row-Level Security In Power BI?

Row-Level Security (RLS) is a feature of Power BI that allows you to restrict data or report access to specific users within your organisation. 

As your Power BI knowledge grows you will need to understand more about security in Power BI.

To implement RLS you first define roles and rules in Power BI Desktop. 

Next, you define filters within roles that limit data access at the row level.

When you publish the data or report to the Power BI Service, the role definitions are also published.

This allows you to assign a specific role to specific users.

Check out this article to learn the difference between Power BI desktop and Power BI service.

If that sounds confusing, let’s walk through a simple example step-by-step.

1) In Power BI Desktop, define roles and rules.

I’d like to assign Ben to only view the report from Canada in this Power BI Desktop report

To do this, we create a Rule that says, “store equals Canada,” and then assign Ben Richardson to that Role.

Creating a rule in Power BI Desktop


To create a Role.

Click on the Modeling tab on the Ribbon Bar, Manage roles.


screenshot of clicking the modeling tab on the ribbon bar to create a role

  1. Click on Create
  2. Assign a name to the Role.
  3. Find the Table and click on it.
  4. Select the Ellipses beside the table with your mouse.
  5. Apply a Filter
  6. Choose the name of the Column you want to use.

red selections shows role, create, stores, add filter, store-country in the screenshot of manage role option

Now you simply need to replace the default that Power BI offers you – [store country] = “value” with your preferred rule writing as a DAX expression

In this case, [store country] = “Canada”. 

Verify the DAX Expression for errors, then Save to apply the role, as shown below.

screenshot shows how to verify the DAX Expression for errors, then Save to apply the role

2) In Power BI Desktop, validate and verify the role

Now that you’ve created a role, let’s quickly check it to see that it is working correctly.

Click “View As” on the Modelling tab to see if the role is active.

screenshot showing how to see if the role is active

Check the Role that you want to test before clicking OK.

screenshot shows how to check the role that you want to test before clicking OK

As you can see in the screenshot below, Power BI has filtered the Report down to the store in Canada.

screenshot shows the Power BI has filtered the Report down to the store in Canada

3) In Power BI Service, assign users to a role.

Now that you have created a role, let’s look at how you assign a user to it. 

You cannot assign users to roles in Power BI Desktop. 

You have to wait until after you’ve published your report to do this. You assign roles in Power BI service.

In Power BI service, navigate to the workspace where the Report is published.

Select Security by hovering over Dataset and clicking the Ellipses.

screenshot shows selecting security by hovering over dataset and clicking the Ellipses

You can now add members to the role you created in Power BI Desktop on the Row-Level Security page.

It’s worth noting that roles can only be created or modified within Power BI Desktop.

red selection shows people or groups who belong to this role option

4) In Power BI Service, validate and verify the role.

Let’s now look at validating settings in Power BI Service.

On the Ellipsis next to the role name in Power BI Service, click “Test as role” to see if the role is active.

red selection shows

You’ll now be able to see the reports that have been created specifically for this role.

red selection shows

Limitations Of Row-Level Security in Power BI

  1. Only datasets created in Power BI Desktop can have row-level security defined. An Excel file must be converted into a Power BI file to enable row-level security on datasets created in Microsoft Excel.
  2. Roles can only be created or changed in Power BI Desktop.
  3. Currently, only ETL and Direct Query (Eg connecting to SQL with Power BI) connections are supported.
  4. Row-level security is inflexible, and dynamic row-level security offers greater flexibility and scalability.

Dynamic Row-Level Security in Power BI.

We assigned only one user (Ben) to a single role in the role-level security above, so he can only see data from that location.

What if you need to assign a single user to multiple locations or a group of users to different roles? Then it’s time to get dynamic.

This article explains how to use a fixed value in the DAX filter for row-level security, also known as static role level security. 

The DAX filter for dynamic role level security, on the other hand, will use a DAX function.

Final Thoughts

Row Level Security is a powerful tool for limiting access to sensitive datasets, dashboards, and reports for different users in your organisation using a role and filters.

About Ben Richardson

Ben is a director of Acuity Training which he has been running for over 10 years.

He is a Natural Sciences graduate from the University of Cambridge and a qualified accountant with the ICAEW.

He previously worked as a venture capitalist and banker and so had extensive experience with Excel from building financial models before moving to learn SQL, Microsoft Power BI and other technologies more recently.